Prem Sagar, son of the legendary filmmaker Ramanand Sagar, opened up concerning the profound bond between the Kapoor clan and his father. In a heartwarming account to ETimes, Prem revealed how Raj Kapoor‘s father, Prithviraj Kapoor, prolonged a serving to hand to Ramanand Sagar throughout his struggling days by providing him a job at Prithvi Theatre, giving him Rs 500, and serving to him be a part of Shalimar Studio in Pune. This gesture marked the start of a lifelong friendship between the 2 households.
In accordance with Prem, Raj Kapoor sought his father’s steerage for a love story that would unite him with Nargis on display. Prithviraj Kapoor directed Raj to Ramanand Sagar, stating, “There’s just one man who might enable you, and that’s Ramanand Sagar.”
On the time, Sagar was staying in an attic in Malad, accessible solely by traversing a jungle from Andheri West. Decided, Raj Kapoor made the journey to satisfy him. Ramanand Sagar narrated a narrative he had written in Lahore, which later change into the enduring Barsaat. “Papaji informed him, ‘I’ve a great love story with all of the Navrasas described by Bharat Muni. I wrote it in Lahore and introduced it with me in the course of the partition,'” Prem recalled. The narration moved Raj Kapoor to tears, and the undertaking was greenlit.
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Launched in 1949, Barsaat grew to become a monumental success, incomes Rs 1.25 crore on the field workplace – equal to roughly Rs 700 crore immediately. The movie not solely established Raj Kapoor and Nargis as an iconic on-screen pair but additionally introduced Kashmir’s scenic magnificence to the forefront of Indian cinema.
Ramanand Sagar was paid Rs 7000 for penning the story, which he used to purchase a modest flat of 625 sq. ft. within the Bhatia constructing the place his household lived for 20 years and struggled their manner up. Raj Kapoor remained an integral a part of the Sagar household, attending all their capabilities and sustaining a detailed bond till the tip.
“Raj Kapoor had nice respect for Papaji and my mom Lilavati. He all the time did a dandak pranam each time he met my mom. Raj Kapoor attended all our household capabilities. He was household,” Prem concluded.